Thursday, May 26, 2016

I am leaving

21 years...It has been so long, that they have been with me,
they have stood by me, in my highs and lows,
in my joys and cries, in my ups and downs,
in everything, every moment.
They are the lap to lie on,
the shoulder to cry on,
I mean the world to them,
and they for me.
They are all ears when I want to share something,
And they will be the toughest wall if anybody should come to hurt me.
They are so special for me,
My world, my joys, they are my God.
And now, I stand on the verge of leaving them,
To start ahead on a new journey,
To enter another world,
A world, where everybody is a stranger,
In a world, where I have to look after myself...
I won't have the lap to lie down any more,
And nor would I have the shoulder to cry anymore,
The shoulders that were once slept on,
wept on and carried on, would now be all alone.
The eyes that could not bat a lid if I were in trouble,
those eyes now won't see me around every day,
And the ears that would get tired
listening to my teenage gossips and chit-chats,
would now have to turn on the TV to be occupied.
Ma, Pa, I am leaving,
I am leaving to experience the outer world,
to earn and live on my own,
to make myself a lady from the kid that I am.
You are the ones, I am living for,
And you are the ones, I am going to earn a living for.
I am your daughter,
I know you will get me married someday,
to give me away to strangers.
And it's not your fault at all,
'coz it's a tradition, and you will have to follow it.
A tradition that will make me farther from you both.
Still, I will keep loving you forever and ever,
and will always be thankful for all that you have given me,
For all my wishes that you made true somehow,
For all the love that you gave me, no matter I behaved how,
For all the time you gave just to listen to my little worries,
even though they were nothing before your own problems.
For the special place that you both hold in my heart,
And for giving me the privilege of being your daughter.
I can never say it enough,
Thank you for everything, Thank you for being there always.

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